Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Cutting down of the Tree

This year we went to "Chris and Rhonda's Tree Farm" to cut down a tree with our very good friends, The Cerveny's. The farm was far away as little flurries danced in the sky. We drove there early in the morning. Aimes fell asleep in the car, and i was excited to see the city fall away and the countryside come close and whisper lovely things in my ear like...."rest"...."take a breath"...."look around". Of course not all was happy and jolly. We got lost. Bennett had a few tantrums. We lost cell phone coverage...but alas, we saw those green,green pines in a row and our friends all bundled up for the adventure. It just so happened it was Emmy's 3rd birthday too. Emmy is their little girl and Bennett's betrothed in marriage..ha ha.
The kids ran around, we roasted marshmellows and drank hot chocolate, our eyes searched for the grandest tree we could find. We found a fat one that looked small amidst the others...but HUGE in our house. I'm happy to finally utilize our tall ceilings. IF you havent gotten your Christmas tree...its fun to cut one at a farm...esp. "Chris and Rhonda's" in Watertown, Tn.


mallory said...

Kevin looks like he could rip the tree down with his bare hands....love the beard!
What a great family picture!

Thesupermanns said...

ha ha..Mallory. Kevin and i are still laughing at your comment.

Kellie Lutito said...

Yet again, I had to miss an outing with some of my favorite people. Sad we couldn't be there. Love you guys!

carolineb said...

I love a family in hats. If y'all get any cuter I'm going to fully freak out.