Butterfly Sparks Designs

Friday, October 2, 2009

MOmmy Jesus Loves You

So today my son said " mommy, Jesus loves you". Let me explain before you get amazed at the spiritual insight of our two year old. I don't wear jewelry....i'm amazed that my pierced ears havent closed by now ....and normally all i wear is a wedding ring. Im just not wired that way...not a jewelry girl. HOWEVER, i do love one necklace these days. It's the Catholic version of Jesus surrounded by sparkle sequins.....i just like it for some reason. I dont think that's what He really looked like, but it just makes me laugh. They make Him look all serious and quiet in the necklace. When i know the stories of Jesus to be different. He shook things up... was verbal and ALIVE. anyway... When i get ready to go out on the town...Bennett notices my "flair" around my neck and i tell him its "JESUS".....
He first said..."Mommy, i want Jesus". Of course referring to wanting my necklace. But i quickly said to GOD ....."Hey, did you hear that??? He wants Jesus.."...Today he saw my necklace and i let him wear it and play with it....( He put Jesus in his mouth as you can see below....) but i said to him " You're so cute Bennett, i love you....Jesus loves you too". He said back to me "Mommy, Jesus loves you". I laughed but somehow it really hit me deep inside and made me want to cry. I know He didnt know what he was saying but it got things started. I then read him some stories from the children's Bible to explain He is more than a face on a necklace......
Anyway....Its a comment forever etched in my memory....from the mouth of a babe...He reminded me today.


Reed and Kelli said...

LOVE IT!!!!!

Ariana said...

Oh, I cried a little! I so long for our babies to know him.